Quarantine Life

woman, laptop, notebook-1459220.jpg

Hello, my loves! Sorry, I have been missing lately, but I have so much going on that I became a bad mother to my writing. But I am back! My, how life has changed! Hasn’t it? To those of us stuck at home, let’s continue to do our part by staying in and to all the essential workers, thank you! Thank you for being brave and going out there and doing what you have to do and what needs to be done. Please remember that we ALL MUST practice social distancing. Okay, those of you who are stuck at home, how are you finding it? I saw on social media some people are saying that they are bored and have so much time on their hands. Well, not me! I am, believe it or not, busier than normal. My days are filled with work, and the free time I have in the evenings and on the weekends is when I try to focus on the things I was procrastinating on. These are some of the things I am doing in my spare time, time that’s now available because I currently have no social life…..sigh.

Try these if you can, and I hope they will help you get through this time. 



If you’re working from home, then work! Don’t use paid time to get personal things done. That’s straying down a path where you will adopt this habit and take it back to the office with you. This will make you unproductive and you may even lose your job. This time at home is to build your foundations, not break them.


I love reading! But, because of time constraints, I had recently started listening to audiobooks. Now, this is not as joyful as flipping the pages of an actual book or even reading on my iPad, but it satisfied my craving for gaining knowledge. But, over the past two weeks, I am back to reading actual books, online and hard copies. “Kiss and Tell” is a book I first read as a teenager, and I was lucky enough to find it online to buy. I finished reading “Kiss and Tell” (again lol), and I am currently reading “You are a Badass”, this book is phenomenal!


Have some wine, take a relaxing a bath, apply a face mask…Yes! Love you! Baths were a weekly thing for me (yes, I shower daily, twice daily) but, it’s now a nightly routine. I pop on some music, apply a face mask, and soak in the tub while sipping on wine. I am hella relaxed! Treat yourself now to these simple joys because once you’re back to work and socializing, this time is gone. 

Social Contact 

I mean virtual!!! Call, text, or FaceTime friends and family to keep relationships intact. Just because you can’t visit them doesn’t mean you have to be distant. You can be close while being distant. I have had workout sessions, wine meetups, movie nights, and just time spent talking with friends and family, all done virtually. Technology is amazing, put it to work! 

Finish that project 

Have something you have been working on forever, or was wanting to start something new? Now is the time! Just a few days ago, I finished something I was working on for the past two years (reveal coming soon hehehe). I stayed up late at night and got it done, and it’s such a fulfilling feeling. Get off the couch and start, or maybe you can do it from the couch on your laptop. LOL.

Family Time

Spend time with your family. Work and daily life tend to consume our time, and by the time we get home to our families we are tired and just wanna be left alone. Use this time to connect with your kids. You would be surprised how much has happened that you have missed with them, the things they now know and can do. I have learnt the morning routines of both my son and our cat.

Learn something new

Hoard! No, not toilet paper and food. Hoard everything beneficial to your self-improvement and development. Focus and think of something that will benefit you and learn to do it. Whether it’s a new language, sewing, cooking, knitting, any of these things you can learn online free of cost. I am currently learning to do the beaded handwork on Indian outfits. This I will apply to the clothing that I already own, or to ones that I will make.

Go for a walk

Pick a time when it’s less likely to have many people who’re also going for walks and go for a walk. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes to enjoy the fresh air. But, remember to practice social distancing with others along your way.

So, that’s how I am using my “home time” lol. What are you doing? Share your survival tips below 🙂